Return Policy

If you don't like our product it's ok you can get your money back, we have an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee on new purchases purchased from Leenoz.

Request a refund

  1. Open a new ticket to request a refund within 30 days of purchase or you can email:
  2. We will process your refund within 7 business days.

Important notes:

• PayPal will normally use the transaction exchange rate (including a currency conversion fee) that applies on the date of your refund.

• The refund will go back to your bank account or card used for the original transaction in the currency of the original transaction.

• Please be aware that PayPal recently revised its policy to no longer refund transaction fees (including a currency conversion fee) when an order is refunded. Therefore, a non-refundable transaction fee of up to 5% + fixed fee will be deducted from the total refund amount. Read more about PayPal Fees

If you have any questions or need more information, our customer service team is here to help you.