Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 1, 2024

Account Information

Creating an account requires providing personal details such as your email address, and password, necessary for account setup and access.

Payment Information

For payment processing, we use PayPal, The data collected is only to be reviewed with the customer in the event that he/she is unable to login to verify his/her identity, for more information contact us via email.

Data Sharing

We do not deal with any third party and do not share customer data with anyone, nor is it disclosed to any person or organization, and the data remains recorded with us only for review and verification of the member’s identity.

Personal Data

You have the right to access, modify and request deletion of your personal data and account, with certain restrictions on access to our products and services.

Cookies & Sessions

We use session and cookies for login process so that the website can remember you later for your next login.

Contact Us

For questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, contact us via email:


By using Leenoz products and services, you acknowledge your understanding and agreement to this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Changes

We may modify this policy at any time. Registered users will be sent an email that outlines changes made to the privacy policy.